(At first I thought they had seen my twitterings, but I found that I have not twittered this specific quote - it's actually from my blog. Thank you Pottermore, for getting involved in the online life of your users!)
‘I'm wondering how helpful the BETA feedback really will be… I can only click boxes to tell them if I enjoy the site and if it runs smoothly. I wish I could tell them what I find helpful, and what I think would improve the site.’ [sic]
If you suspect there’s a technical issue with one of the Pottermore pages, you can click on the ‘Beta feedback’ button (located in the bottom right-hand corner of the site). Select the page you are on, then go to the ‘The page loads and works well on my screen’ option.
While you won’t be able to give specific details, if you choose one of the ‘disagree’ buttons, we’ll know that we should re-visit that page and carry out testing.
In the next few weeks, we’ll also be sending out a Pottermore Beta survey. Along with opinion-related questions there will also be a space for you to add comments, so you’ll be given a chance to tell us specific details if there’s something you think we should know about.
I'm very happy to see that we will have the opportunity to add comments in the form of a BETA survey. Sometimes it feels odd, just clicking boxes when you have something specific you want to bring to their attention, and this will fix that problem.
Head on over to the Pottermore Insider to also find out about Wizarding Duels, comment moderation and Potion brewing times.
I completely agree with you. Ticking boxes that ask the same question on every page does not allow one to say HEY there is a mistake here! and this is what is happening (in details). Good to see they've come out of their hibernation and had another wave.
Yeah, it was nice to see another wave had gone out, they really can't send out too many of them! :)
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