SilverQuill77 is my Pottermore username - I am one of the one million Betas who will enter Pottermore before it opens for registration in October. I found the Magical Quill on Day 1, and from first reading the Philisophers Stone, my heart has told me I am a Ravenclaw. However, with J.K.Rowling doing the sorting, I am really excited to see just how wrong (or perhaps right) I have been.
EDIT: My owl arrived on August 24th and it seems my heart knew just where I belonged cause Rowling told me, once and for all: I'm a Ravenclaw.
My wand is Dogwood with Phoenix Feather core, ten inches, slightly springy. Given it's Phoenix Feather core it's really hard to tame and to personalise. Dogwood is also a wood that makes for quirky and mischievous wands, so it is not the simplest wand to learn to use.
As for my one allowed pet to bring, I chose cat. My avatar may be of a ginger cat, but I actually chose to bring my Russian Blue female named after her grey fur ("mist" but in my language). She hates mornings just as much as I do, but, given her being a cat, she can actually stay under the covers long after I have to get up for class. She loves hiding under blankets and pillows, and sometimes when she looks at me with those big green eyes of hers, I swear she can read my mind.
She is a hard personality to get to know - mimicing her human's anti-social tendencies - but once you've become friends with her, she won't forget you, and she'll come out of her hiding place as soon as she knows that you didn't bring any strangers.
That should be enough about me and my cat, don't you think? Time to go finish up that potion.