
Nametwins and Common Rooms

So, yeah, I had to search and see if I could find other SilverQuills on Pottermore. And I was happy to find several. However, one of the two I sent friend requests to was the one I found who was not only my nametwin, but who also belonged to the wonderful house Ravenclaw. Now, he/she bought an owl while I bought a cat, but owl was my second choice, so I immediatelly felt a strong connection to this person.
... Not really, but I found it funny.

I like you cause you have an awesome username and you're a Ravenclaw.
Something else I did this week (or this past Sunday, but whatever, it was recent) was find a fanmade Slytherin Common Room. It was so pretty! The outside that is, cause since I'm a Ravenclaw I couldn't get in. This made me curious. No, that's not the word. I am curious, it's in my nature. This made me frustrated.

And it made me jeallous.

I like to talk to other people. I was hoping there was a way for us to talk in the Ravenclaw Common Room on Pottermore. And, of course, there is the comment function. However, I like to say more then 140 characters, and I like to see messages as they are written and not days after because they had to be moderated. I understand why it has to work like this, and I don't blame them for it, it's good! But I miss more interaction (I can't even send the owl with a letter to my friends).
 So, inspired by BladeQueen82 who came up with this amazing idea for a Slytherin Common Room, I created a Ravenclaw Common Room and named it eaglessoaring.proboards.com. And I am happy to say that we have a small group of members already discussing different magic and muggle topics in there.

And that is not all.TheDragonWombat has just set up the Gryffindor equivalent and a Hufflepuff Common Room is in the making.

So, when you've gotten sorted, if you feel like it's too difficult to talk in your Common Room's comment section, take a look at your fanmade Common Room above. I'm sure you won't regret it.
 And as soon as the Hufflepuff Common Room is set up, I will link to it on my sidebar along with the three Common Rooms already listed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a brilliant idea! Your common room looks beautiful. I myself am a Slytherin and I just found all of this today. I, too, was a little disappointed about the comment section on Pottermore. I think we need to advertise these common rooms more, somehow, to all of the betas. (DragonUnicorn120)